What's the difference between a "Driver-Guide" and a Licensed Guide:



- A "Driver-Guide" is a professional driver, who gives you the main historical information and tips from the vehicle but does not take you inside Museums, Churches and Sights.


- A "Licensed Guide" is a professional Guide, with a degree in Art History, who passed a specific test to get the "Degree of Guide" and who can enter Museums, Churches, Sights inside or escort you walking in the city, explaining you historical info deeply. 




                         Attraction Prices





Colosseum:       To be prepurchased in order to "Skip the Line", from Euro 24 to 65 per adult depending on the

different on line providers  (just tickets or tickets and guided tours);




Catacombs:            Euro   10.00 Adults;

                                    Euro   7.00 kids; Can be purchased on site;



Vatican Museum:  To be prepurchased in order to "Skip the Line", from Euro 22 to 65 per adult depending on the different on line providers

(just tickets or tickets and guided tours);




Pisa Leaning Tow & Cathedral:     

From Euro 20.00 to 70 per adult, depending on the different online providers, to be prepurchased.

Kids under 8 yrs are not admitted in the Leaning Tower;



Florence Accad:     From Euro 22.00 to 70 per Adult, to be prepurchased, depending on the different online providers;          



Pompeii:                  Euro  18.00 Adults

                  Kids under 18 yrs are free; Can be purchased on site;


Hercolaneum:      Euro 13.00 Adults;

                  Kids under 18 yrs are free.   Can be purchased on site.









Vatican Museum:



Women have to cover their shoulders and men wear long pants while visiting St. Peter's Basilica inside!




Food and drink

It is not permitted to enter the Museums with alcoholic drinks. It is obligatory to leave alcoholic drink in the cloakroom before entering the Museums, these drinks must then be collected, on the same day, at the end of the visit. Visitors are allowed to leave food and drink in the cloakroom, on the condition that this is collected before closing hours. Uncollected food and drink will be destroyed at the end of the day.

Bags, backpacks, umbrellas

The cloakroom staff will accept from the visitors their bags and personal belongings (irrispective of the form, material or dimension of th object), with the exception of clothing items, hats, portable umbrellas.

  •  It is obligatory to deposit in the cloakroomsuitcases, backpacks and containers with dimensions larger than cm 40 x 35 x 15.
  • It is obligatory to deposit in the cloakroombags and bagpacks which are cumbersome, except those small-sized, that carried on shoulder, don't jut out by 15 cm from the body's shape in its highest point.
  • It is obligatory to deposit in the cloakroomany umbrella with a spike tip, umbrellas of medium and large size, walking sticks (except those required by disabled visitors to facilitate their movement), tripods for cameras and video cameras, signage of any kind (except signs used by official guides for their identification).
  • It is obligatory to deposit in the cloakroomknives, scissors, any tools thai could be harmful to other persons ora damage works of art in the Museums.
  • It is not possible to deposit in the cloakroom, fiirearms of any kind or other dangerous objects. It is strictly forbidden to enter the Museums with any kind of weapon.

 Access to the Museums by armed visitors is not permitted. Non exception to this rule is made for visitors holding a firearm permit, or if the weapon forms part of a uniform (police, military or others).

Museum surveillance

It is forbidden to touch works of art. The works of the Vatican Museums are subject to a costant television monitoring by the surveillance of the Museums and by an electronic alarm system.


The use of microphones with amplifier is forbidden. The use of headphones for all guided tour groups of 11 or more people is mandatory!.

Required clothing

Access to Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens and Saint Peter's Basilica is permitted only to visitors dressed appropriately (no sleeveless blouses, no miniskirts, no shorts, no hats allowed).


Works of art and surroundings may be photographed. Permission must be given by the Management of the Museum for the use of tripods and other professional equipment. It is forbidden to use flashlight photography inside the Museums. No photography or filming is permitted in the Sistine Chapel. The surveillance is authorized to collect any kind of photography made inside the Sistine Chapel.

Drawing permission

Permission must be sought from the Management of the Museums in order to make pencil drawings and sketches in the Museums. The use of laser pointers is forbidden.

Mobile phones

The use of mobile phones is allowed, except in the Sistine Chapel. Anyway it is not recommended in order to guarantee the visitors a better fruiton of the works of art .


Pushchairs are permitted in the Museums.





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